Beyond Oasis

When gaming jumped to 16-bit more in depth stories were brought to life. Come discuss your favorites released on 16-bit machines!
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Beyond Oasis

Post by Ravenfreak »

This is a really fun Zelda like game on the Sega Megadrive. I got to borrow it from one of my friend's parents back in the day when I was a teenager, but I never beat it until a few years ago. I used my Everdrive to play the game on my Model 1, since I don't own a physical copy. The puzzles aren't too difficult to figure out, but it's really neat to see the different elements come together to help you progress. There's also a sequel on the Sega Saturn which I've never played. Yuzo Koshiro, the guy who composed the soundtrack for the Streets of Rage series composed the music in this game and it doesn't disappoint! Overall it's a fun adventure and while it may not be as good as the Legend of Zelda, I think you would enjoy it if you like this style of RPG!
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