Even though the graphics are retro-esque, I think this game belongs here?
Any other Stardew Valley fans? It's similar to Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing in different ways and has lots to do! If you play on Steam there's lots of mods available too. I've actually made some random mods for the game (art/graphic mods) but it's been so long and I don't think it's the same as it used to be. It's now available on various consoles and mobile as well if anyone is interested in checking it out.
My wife loves this game! I might start playing with her, she enjoys farming simulators more than I do but she doesn't really like going in mines and fighting creatures. One of my coworkers plays this game with his girlfriend and he enjoys doing the farming work so his girlfriend fights the creatures. I bought the game for my wife for her birthday last year, she was a bit weary about playing the game at first but she loves it now.
I started Stardew Valley on a whim, but now I’m absolutely loving it. hooked. It’s the perfect escape from my mundane life. Whether I’m tending crops or mining for treasure, there’s always something new to enjoy.